Met Jeremy at Namm. Played at the booth in the glass cage loud and caused the Namm police to come by lol and was shut down. I Tried a bunch of amps and Supro just nailed the tone for me. It's like Fender amps on crack! Love and use the Statesman currently. Looking forward to recording with it and sharing the Supro tones with all. Supro Rocks! Check them out. Everything they make is just amazing gear. I can not wait to see what else they come up with.
DSL makes some the best effects I have ever used and one of the few that have stayed on my board over the years. They are like studio rack quality in a pedal. He listens to players, and Beta tests all his pedals. What makes all his pedals like the echo tap, Rotospin, Chorus vibe so good ? He is determined to make a better product and you get what you pay for with DLS . His pedals are always on my board! A great supporter of mine Dave is one of the best to ever make pedals and a true master of effects.
They are Tube Heaven in guitar pedals. I have had the echo, the vibe. All are Lush, Alive, Dynamic, and Built like tanks. All that once right in the world of guitar tone like a moment caught in time but here today! Can't wait to incorporate the new Blue Bottle Mid boost pedal into my rig. They know tubes, and are mad about making quality products. Anything you play they make will bring you closer to the search for Tone! Thank you Phil for hooking up with me years back. Stay Frosty!
I have had about 3 Morley wahs. I won't mention which ones but I like them all. The DJ large and mini wah combined with the new morley inductor 2 is off the charts. More vowel like and the best range of any wah I have ever used. Currently on my board and on the new Music EP coming soon. I love having the old fashion large one to step on but the smaller one is so nice for certain situations. Morley makes the best wahs on the planet, get yours now! Thanks to Bill at Morley who is one of my supporters back in the day and out me on their product CD back in the day.
A friend and a pioneer. Al Farnell backed me years ago and has made some of the most creative guitars ever designed. His pursuit to perfection has made him a madman in the highest sense of guitar building. His guitars are the future bringing old and new tones together! You will hear them on my new EP coming soon along with most of all my old music recorded. Al Farnell is an inventor, a friend, and one of the best guitar Luthiers I have ever known! Check his website out for further info about what makes his guitars so different.
This is my fave bridge pickup period. It sounds so good its clear punchy and cuts with warmth around the high end.
Powered by twin Alnico 2 bar magnets, and with a strong bass and crisp highs, the Rebel 90 finds the sweet spot between single coil and humbucker tonalities.
Hear it all over my new album, in 2025
Just met them at Namm 2023. Great people and it was my first stop making the rounds. Played the MK1 and lost my mind. I have had the vintage ones and this pedal is for today's pedal boards. Fits like a MXR pedal and sounds like the old ones. A little more output which is good. The rawness is all there with warmth and with great clean up. Think Fuzz Face with better mids and crunch! I cant wait to get more of the BPC pedals.
Two fully detailed tape deck emulations in one
It's impressive enough that Strymon managed to pack one high-definition tape machine emulation in the Deco pedal, let alone two of them. But you don't have to dive deep to appreciate the quality of the Deco's processing - just roll up the saturation control and bask in the warm glow of the harmonic overtones.
Tap into classic double-tracking tape effects
Tape overdrive is just the beginning of what the Deco has in store. In the Doubletracker section, you'll find additional controls (both on the surface and "hidden" in the secondary knob functions) that allow you to add flanging, chorusing, slapback delay, and vintage tape echo to your tone.
If you play STRAT'S, TELE'S, GIBSON'S, whatever guitar you own, he has the best pickups for all of them. Lindy is one of a kind. Many like him but none as real as him. He will talk to you , He will rewire his own pickups to get you to where you want if your unhappy. Why I didn't change all my pickups to his before is amazing. I must do all my guitars no matter how good they sound to be his pickups. There is a mojo words can not describe when it comes to Fralin Pickups. Go to his site and try some You wont be sorry. My latest is his Telecaster Blues pickups. Cant wait for them.
I recently came across a Eastman ER2 hollow body and was floored from its quality and craftsmanship. Tone was some of the best I ever heard in any guitar. So I researched the company and am super excited to soon be playing their solid body guitars. I will be using Eastman on my new EP coming out 2021. I am a big P90 fan and for my new music I am awaiting one of their SB55DC/v models like in the picture which uses nothing but quality parts, wood, and finish for a pure Rock & Roll sound. I am happy to start building my relationship with EASTMAN GUITARS. Check them out as they are on Gibson's ass and may be putting out better instruments at a lower price. Tone is all that counts!
Started with the PHARROH SUPREME. A flame thrower of a fuzz/drive pedal with more options than most pedals like it, and all the sounds are amazing. I use it unlike most do with only strats and old fender amps from what I gather. I fell in love as its not traditional sounding and gives me the DRAGON like fury we all crave when we want to go there. His new pedal in 2021 "The Priestess" is again something old from all his past creations but something new and for sure "magic" in a box. Tired of all the traditional fuzz boxes out there try BLACKARTS TONEWORKS PEDALS and find your own tone. No doubt he has a following and I am glad to be part of his artist group bringing his pedals to a different guitar playing crowd. Go to his website and check them out!
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A huge number of guitars come equipped with standard humbuckers, but the fun doesn’t have to stop there. Using a humbucker-sized P90 can offer a wider, more open sound, and open up new musical avenues.
Powered by twin Alnico 2 bar magnets, and with a strong bass and crisp highs, the Rebel 90 finds the sweet spot between single coil and humbucker tonalities.